Why Making an EOFY Donation is the Smart Way to Donate

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End of Financial Year (EOFY) can be a hectic time for many; especially as the coronavirus pandemic continues to grip the world. Year on year, we hear about organisations asking for additional donations at the end of the financial year; why? 

Well, in Australia, donations to charities can be partly or completely tax deductible. Meaning; while you might part with some cash between now and June 30, you’ll be able to claim your donations in your tax return - amazing! 

Shut up and take my money

Here at The Cova Project, we are a DGR1 charity, which means any donations you make to us are 100 per cent tax deductible.

Our founder, G.D Anderson explains why you should start making end of financial year donations today. 

“Now is a great time to start thinking about giving back,” she said. 

“It’s not a loophole to earn more money but it is an empowering way to decide where your money can make a real difference. 

“Choose where your money goes, donate to issues you’re passionate about and invest in Australian charities.”

Period poverty and the pandemic

(See above ABC’s THE DRUM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wtk1UBAJCXQ 

Covid-19 has completely changed the face of society; from small things like washing your hands for 30 seconds every time to not being able to plan holidays to see loved ones more than five kilometres away or overseas. We’ve all had to adapt and so has The Cova Project. 

“I think most people are completely unaware of the issue of period poverty,” G.D said.

“In Malawi it costs the same amount for annual school fees as it does to pay for pads annually. 

“Covid has had a huge impact on all charities. For us, some of the challenges are things you don’t even think of; shipping has gone up enormously in cost, we’re no longer able to travel and everyone’s finances have tightened. 

“I really do hope people continue to support our work because we do have a low price point of $7 a cup but I do think our funding is going to come under a bit of pressure and that’s something we’ll have to tackle.”

How to help

Click here to find out more about how you can help RIGHT NOW (and we mean right now because June 30 is literally around the corner). On our donation page, you’ll see options to make a one-time, monthly or annual donation to The Cova Project. 

“Lots of people think of tax as this ominous, monolithic, money sucking thing that they don’t really understand, but taxes are about the community,” G.D said. 

“Take control of your taxes and donate to small, grassroots charities where you can put your money to work. 

“As a young, tax paying woman, I choose to donate to The Cova Project because I know I am providing opportunity to other women around the world.

“They say; ‘only two things are guaranteed in life; death and taxes’. I say, ‘there are three things guaranteed as an Australian: death, taxes and the opportunity to donate to charity instead’.”


The Cova Conference


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