Please give generously to The Cova Project. Your Donations go a long way!
Donations are tax deductible in Australia
Donate A Cup
For just $7 you can donate a menstrual cup and give a girl up to ten years of access to a safe sanitary care. Access to a menstrual cup will allow girls to stay in school for the 50 days a year they would otherwise miss when menstruating. Change someones life today!
End Period Poverty For A Girl
A $25 donation allows us to purchase a menstrual cup and transport it to a girl who needs it. It also allows us to fund our menstrual health education sessions, print our instruction manuals and send our passionate team out follow up as extra supprt. The full package!
Support Our Education
Locally run education sessions are essential to The Cova Project. Running sensitisation sessions, menstrual cup trainings and data collections are why we have so much success. Donate to support our educational trainings to accompany our cups and ensure girls thrive!
10 Years For 10 Girls
Support a group of friends by donating 10 cups. There’s nothing better than the support of your friends, so why not supprt a girl group and give them the gift of access to safe sanitary products?
Support A School
The more people with access to menstrual cups and accurate education, the higher the chance the whole community gets on board. Support a school with cups and education for 40 girls!
Lead The Way
Give the ultimate gift by becoming a Leadership Donor. Join a group of change-makers helping us end period poverty. Give girls access to the supplies they need to stop missing the education they deserve.