(Awesome) Dads and (Awesome) Lads talk Periods


Well this is an awkward one… but should it be?

Talking to any non menstruator in your life about menstruation is often a conversation with a lot of panicked stares and stuttering, but why is that? The Cova Project team spoke with the men in our lives to find out what they knew about periods, how they knew it and what they thought could be done better to ensure future generations of men are included in the conversation.

At The Cova Project, we spend all day everyday talking about periods and we feel that the poisonous root of Period Poverty, is secrecy. How can you solve a global issue in a whisper? You can’t! That’s why we now yell about it to anyone who’ll listen and even those trying to put their fingers in their ears.

Period Poverty puts so many womxn at a disadvantage and while men in positions of power view it as a ‘women’s issue’, progress will be slow. Women’s issues are societal issues. That’s been more than proven. So when tackling something that’s a major barrier to education for young womxn, we’d like to request that the world stands against it, not just those of us who’ve experienced the problem first hand.

In the video above, a group of awesome men sit down and get the giggles over periods, learning, listening and laughing. It’s a light-hearted attempt to show that the key to change is conversation and education.

In our experience running The Cova Project’s Men’s Campaign that we’ve hosted since Oct 1st 2020, we have not encountered a single individual who has not been open to listening and learning about menstruation and period poverty. In fact, the major obstacle seems to be that boys feel they’ve been excluded from the conversation from the beginning and they don’t feel comfortable asking questions or bringing it up.

Let’s change that starting here and educate, educate, educate!


Dads React to Period Horror Stories


Day of the Girl Child 2020